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Dermaroller for Acne Scars Treatment

Dermaroller for Acne Scars Treatment

In this feature, you will know everything about using a dermaroller for acne scars treatment.

Have you tried so many products to cure your acne scars?

Are you feeling down and becoming unsociable because your face is full of acne scars?

We understand your frustration.

Acne is like a nightmare for everyone. Whether you are in your teenage years or you’ve gone pass that age, your acne breakouts can still haunt and plague your skin.

Severe acne causes painful breakouts called cysts and nodules. When you prick, squeeze or pop your pimples, it wounds up the skin and abnormal skin tissues form after it heals.

The appearance of scar depends on how inflamed or deep the lesion is. They are permanent and leave a scar called indentation. Treating the acne is easier than treating the scars.  

Different Types of Acne Scars

Ice-pick scars
These are narrow, deep, pitted scars caused by cystic and really big, inflamed acne.

Having severe acne can make your skin lose collagen. It appears on almost full cheek area, on your chin or jawline.

You see big holes and deep empty pores as though someone prodded a needle on your face.

Rolling scars
This type of scar looks wavy in texture and with round edges.

It develops when fibrous bands of tissue develop between the skin and the subcutaneous tissue below. If you stretch your skin, you will notice that it fades.

Rolling scars are shallower and are caused by long-term inflammatory acne.

Boxcar scars
These are shallow looking scars but with deep edges. They are similar to chickenpox scars.

If you had acne on the entire face during your teenage age and did not bother to properly treat it, you’ll develop these scars because of loss of collagen and continuous inflammation of the skin.

A bumpy and raised type of scar is called keloid.

When your body produces many cells during the healing process, it forms a red lump. Normally, these scars need many doses of corticosteroid injections to shrink the size.

Hypertrophic scars
More common than keloids, this scar are lumpy red or dark with uneven surface.

It is a thick, wide, and raised. It happens when the skin gets a trauma to an injury like burns, cuts, severe acne and even after skin piercing.

It is important to note that dermaroller for acne scars at home will only be effective for all types of scars except hypertropic scars or keloid scars which are a result of excessive collagen deposition.

Derma Roller for Acne Scars -Before and After Results

Many people were amazed to experience the great before and after results of derma rolling.

As you can see in each before and after pictures, their skin shows visible scarring of different types.

Click here to see real results of derma rolling before and after by real people.

Photo of dermaroller acne scars before and after pictures
Photo of dermaroller acne scars before and after pictures
Photo of dermaroller acne scars before and after pictures

How to use dermaroller for acne scars?

There are several ways to treat scars such as laser treatments, derma fillers, radiofrequency, dermabrasion and microneedling. 

Derma rolling or Microneedling therapy can work on most types of acne scars
 except hypertropic or keloid scars since they are caused by excess production of collagen.

Derma rolling stimulates new collagen production that can deliver big improvements in the skin’s texture and fade the scars over time.

It is more gentle and with low-risk since it does not destroy the skin’s top layer to stimulate healing process.

The results are not as fast as what laser treatments can do but dermaroller costs only a fraction of its price.

If you are afraid of going through surgeries or painful skin incision, this is the best option for you. It gives a total convenience since you can do it at the comfort of your home at your most suitable time. It is not surprising that celebrities like Angelina Jolie use this beauty tool!

Picture of best dermaroller for acne scars

How to Use the Dermaroller for Acne Scars Treatment

Before you begin using your Dermaroller, it is important to check the manual and manufacturer’s instruction for optimum results. For your safety, please refer to the following guidelines:

1. Clean and disinfect your Derma Roller. 
Disinfect your derma rollers by soaking them into a disinfectant alcohol for about 5 to 10 minutes.

Check if there are rusts on the micro needles. If you have been using them for a long time, discard and get a new one.

2. Cleanse your face to remove residues, dirt and other chemicals that can irritate the skin when the micro needles get in contact with your skin. Make sure you don’t have any active breakouts.

3. Before you start dermarolling, divide the area for derma rolling into small sections of about a quarter of your palm size. For your face, you can divide it into 7 sections so as to ensure that you cover your entire face completely.

Picture of how to derma roll correctly

It is always recommended to derma roll section by section to fully cover the desired area to be treated.

For each section, complete dermarolling in 4 different directions (check diagram below) before proceeding to another section.

For example, derma roll up and down 4 times, followed by left and right 4 times, followed by diagonally top right to bottom left 4 times and lastly diagonally top left to bottom right 4 times.

After that, you can move on to another section and do the same steps.

Picture of how to derma roll

4. Roll with caution. Use the same pressure when you roll in all directions. Do not push the needles too hard or too gentle.

5. Apply your skin products like moisturizers and serums after derma rolling. Wait for at least 12 hours before you wash your face again or until the redness subsides.

How often to use derma roller?

If you are a first timer, you can start with 0.5 mm derma roller and for deeper scars, you can use 0.75 – 1.0 mm microneedle sizeonce you’re able to tolerate the pain.

For hyperpigmentation and new superficial scars, 0.5 mm is advisable for first-time users before using 1.0 mm.

The recommended schedule of treatment is once a week.

You can choose any day of the week for your derma rolling session and it is recommended to set a fixed day of the week for your treatment.

Derma Roller Serum for Acne Scars

Derma rolling enhances the absorption of topical products to skin.

The tiny channels in your skin created by dermarolling allow the topical product to go into the deeper layers, thus, making them more potent.

Whenever you put any topical serum or creams on your skin, not all of the nutrients can penetrate in the deep layers. But in micro needling, your skin can absorb up to 3000% during the hour after your treatment!

What to use after microneedling:

  • Vitamin C
    It is a powerful antioxidant that stimulates collagen production so you’ll get brighter and firmer skin.

    It also aids to hasten the healing process when the skin is wounded.

    Just use enough amounts to cover the whole face area and do not double the quantity to avoid over-redness and irritation that would trigger painful peeling.
  • Hyaluronic Acid
    It is called the “moisture-binding ingredient” that lubricates the skin.

    This powerful essence provides hydration up to the deep skin layers. Your skin can be softer and moisturized since it locks up the water that is important in keeping your skin healthy 24 hours.

    This is perfect for those with itchy and dry skin. You’ll be surprised to see how your skin looks- plumped and with silky smooth finish.
  • Sunscreen protection
    After treatment, your skin will be sensitive to sunlight and can get burned if you stay long under the sun.

    A very good sunscreen will not only protect it from the harmful rays but will also keep you from getting darks spots or hyperpigmentation.

    Get the ones with the highest SPF and apply as needed for maximum protection.
Picture of best dermaroller for acne scars

Which Dermaroller for Acne Scars Treatment is Best?

The Rejuviss Advanced Derma Roller System comes with 4 different derma roller heads that you can use not only on your face but also your body. It also included a disinfection container and a case to keep the rollers free from dusts and dirt.

  • 12 Microneedles (1.0 mm) – to be used on face to reduce all kinds of scars. This is best for acne scars and treatment of deep stubborn scars.
  • 240 Microneedles (0.5 mm)– designed to be used for hard to reach areas such as on the eyes to reduce fine lines and crow’s feet
  • 600 Microneedles (0.5 mm) – used for the whole face area such as cheeks, chin, forehead or neck for the treatment of fine lines, wrinkles, scars, and skin discolorations and pigmentations
  • 1200 Microneedles (1.0 mm)- for body use to treat skin problems like stretch marks, reduce cellulites, and lighten skin pigmentations
Picture of best dermaroller for acne scars

Is Dermarolling Good for Everyone?

In general, the people with following conditions may not be suitable to do derma rolling on their own:

  • Those with raised warts and moles
  • Those with blood clotting history
  • Those with psoriasis and eczema
  • Those with severe skin infections or inflammation
  • Those with active cysts and nodules

Your lifestyle may contribute to your acne problems that would lead to scarring.

There are many factors that can worsen your acne problem like hormonal imbalance, improper hygiene, and nutrient deficiencies.

To lessen or minimize your acne scarring, you should immediately find the right products to cure your acne.

If over-the-counter medicines do not work, it is best to consult always with your dermatologist that will explain why your acne is not healing.

If your acne won’t heal, your scars will develop into deeper lesions and will be harder to cure.

It is important to treat acne scarring to do away with physical and emotional frustrations.

Having an improved appearance on your skin can boost and enhance your self-esteem and start facing the world again with lesser insecurities.

Now that you are aware of the troubles it could get you when you have acne scars, you will do your best to promote better skin health by maintaining a skin care routine.

 is one of the best life-savers in the beauty world at the moment.

Acne is the culprit of these unwanted scars but with regular use of derma roller, your skin will be more elastic, firm, acne-free and scar-free!

All you have to do is to commit a few minutes every week and use a dermaroller for acne scars treatment. Keep rolling!

Also read:

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  • The Best Derma Roller Size For Your Skin Problems
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