
Are Stretch Marks Ugly?

As a mom of two, I know a thing or two about stretch marks. I know that I think of them as my “strong mommy marks,” but society tells me (and others) otherwise. That leaves plenty of stretch-marked individuals asking the question, “Are stretch marks ugly?

Stretch marks have been given a bad reputation, with some claiming they’re ugly. Yet, stretch marks are anything but. Stretch marks, or “tiger stripes,” symbolize strength and one’s ability to change. They make an individual unique and act as an uniter. They’re the ultimate declaration of growth, which is always positive.

are stretch marks ugly

Why Stretch Marks Are Frequently Deemed “Ugly”

When some people hear the term “stretch marks,” they automatically think of something ugly. Something that should be hidden away from you. I.e., you can’t wear that adorable two-piece bathing suit if your stomach is riddled with belly marks. But where does this thought process come from, anyway?

  • Stereotypes – Unfortunately, stretch marks can be seen as “ugly” from stereotypes like they don’t take care of their skin or gained a lot of weight – amongst other horrifying suggestions.
  • Media portrayal – Let’s not get started on what the media has to say. A celeb or influencer that posts an image showing off their tiger stripes will immediately be riddled with hate in every direction. Not to mention, you likely won’t see too many stretch marks gracing Blockbuster movies.
  • Cultural stigmas – In a shallow world, there’s a whole lot of emphasis on perfection. The perfect hair, the perfect makeup, the perfect body – it’s never-ending. Unsurprisingly, stretch marks don’t fall into the “perfect” category, rendering them ugly and rendering negative comments.

5 Reasons Why Stretch Marks Are Not Ugly

Just because a population of people refers to stretch marks as “ugly” doesn’t mean they are. Here, we need to look beyond what we see on social media and magazines. In fact, we need to look beyond our own perception of the shame regarding stretch marks.

That said, let’s dive into why stretch marks are definitely not ugly.

1. Symbol of Strength

Stretch marks are a  symbol of strength – without a doubt. Whether they came from carrying a ten-pound baby or developed from a sudden weight gain or weight loss (whichever was necessary for the person’s well-being), stretch marks are a clear indicator that you’re a strong person that’s conquered and achieved the seemingly impossible.

2. Symbol of Ability to Change

It’s not just about strength, though. Change is hard, whether moving across the country or switching careers. Another change? Changes to your body – including the sudden appearance of stretch marks. Yet, this isn’t bad – it’s proof that you can handle any type of change and take it in stride.

3. Make You Unique

In a sea of Kim Kardashians, it’s perfectly OK to look different (no hate for Queen Kim, of course – she’s also a beautiful woman). The best thing about stretch marks is that they immediately make you stand out from the crowd. I don’t know about you, but I have never seen two stretch marks that look the same, which means they’re an instant standout feature for your aesthetic. 

4. Unite People

Not everyone has stretch marks. But those who do know it can be complicated to accept them. So, finding others who share your struggle creates a united community. That alone is beautiful, but if your crew can find a way to embrace your “flaws” and show them off with confidence, that’s even more beautiful.

5. The Ultimate Sign of Growth

Nothing symbolizes growth quite like stretch marks. Think about it: most stretch marks are caused by a change to your body, such as a developing baby. Growth is never a bad thing. In fact, growth is always deemed as a positive thing, so why can’t stretch marks fall into this category, too? We say – it definitely can!

5 Celebrities with Stretch Marks

Celebrities are under constant scrutiny about their appearance. So, it’s no wonder why stretch marks are a definite no-no for the top dogs. But times are changing – after all, it’s 2023. That said, many celebrities are coming out and not only stating they have stretch marks – but are flaunting them proudly.

These individuals include:

  1. Lizzo – It’s not surprising that this body positivity queen shows her stretch marks and all their glory regularly, and we couldn’t be any more thrilled. 
  2. Kylie Jenner – Yes, even the beauty mogul has shown off her stretch marks, allowing everyone to feel like she’s a bit more relatable. 
  3. Lady Gaga – She knows she was “Born This Way,” and let’s face it, she’s not afraid to show it. And neither should we!
  4. Gizele Oliviera – This former Victoria’s Secret model reveals her stretch marks regularly, proving that stretch marks are truly beautiful enough – even for the catwalk!
  5. Ashley Graham – This lovely plus-size model has given society plenty of glimpses of her stretch marks, with one Instagram post claiming her husband sees them as the “tree of life.”

How To Fade Stretch Marks?

Stretch marks are nothing to be ashamed of. But that doesn’t mean you can’t try to fade them, especially if you have an overabundance or they are a very dark shade (both of which are still beautiful – don’t forget). Here are a few ways to fade them:

  • Retinoids – Also known as Vitamin A, retinoid treatments can help make the skin appear smoother, thus dimming the appearance of stretch marks.
  • Hyaluronic Acid – Regular use of products with hyaluronic acid can help skin’s elasticity, reducing the sight of stretch marks.
  • Microdermabrasion – Think of microdermabrasion as the most effective and in-depth exfoliation your skin has ever had. With that in mind, it’s clear why this technique (which must be performed by a professional) can work for stretch marks.
  • Laser therapy – Another method done in-office is laser therapy. The lasers work to improve collagen production and reduce the appearance of stretch marks, a win-win for your skin.

How to Cover Up Stretch Marks

Although I don’t encourage hiding your stretch marks, I understand that there are some circumstances where you need to. Here are my top three ways to cover up stretch marks.


Makeup can make you look like whoever you want to be – even if you want to replicate Neytiri (Zoe Saldana) from the movie Avatar. Unsurprisingly, makeup – especially full-coverage makeup – can also hide those lovely stretch marks.


Have you ever heard the term, a tan can hide a multitude of sins? They weren’t jokin’, hon. That said, my next recommendation for stretch mark coverage is self-tanner. The clear advantage to self-tanner is that you get a sexy tan to flaunt poolside.


When all else fails, and you’re looking for a quick fix, you can also cover up your stretch marks with clothing. Although I recommend entirely flaunting what you’ve got – including your tiger stripes – you can always stash them away using garments.

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