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Pimples on Stretch Marks – Why Am I Getting Them?

Stretch marks can happen for various reasons, from pregnancy to sudden weight gain or loss – trust me, I’ve been there. As a mother of two small kids, I know a thing or two about stretch marks. What I didn’t realize is that pimples can occur on stretch marks. But why? And how can you get rid of them?

Pimples occur on stretch marks for various reasons, from hormonal imbalances to inflammation, poor diet to clogged hair follicles, and infections. The best way to treat them is by using a warm or cold compress, keeping your hands off them, and using natural remedies (like tea tree oil) or medications.

Pimples on stretch marks what to do

How Do Pimples On Stretch Marks Look Like?

Pimples on stretch marks look precisely the same as on other areas of the body. They appear as raised, red bumps on stretch marks with a white center. There can be a single pimple or several pimples covering the stretch marks.

But how can you know it’s truly a pimple and not another type of skin condition? To help you narrow down your skin condition, let’s take a look at some of the other issues that may be causing bumps on your stretch marks.

Cystic acne

Cystic acne is labeled the “most severe type of acne.” Therefore, cystic acne on stretch marks will be more detrimental than a simple pimple. Cystic acne appears as lumps beneath the skin and may produce pain or tenderness. They can be small – like a pimple – or reach as large as a dime. They tend to ooze pus at the head and crust over time.


Like pimples, boils are another common skin condition found on stretch marks. Boils, caused by bacterial infection, start as red bumps beneath the skin and are surrounded by red or purple tones. They grow larger over time, sometimes up to two inches. They will continue to swell and cause pain until they rupture, allowing the pus to drain. 


Lastly, if you notice a small collection of bumps on your stretch marks, you may be dealing with folliculitis. Folliculitis happens when hair follicles become inflamed. This leads to groups of pus-filled bumps that will eventually break open and crust over. Folliculitis can cause several other accompanying symptoms, including itchiness, burning, and tenderness. 

Is It A Pimple Or A Boil On My Stretch Marks?

One of the biggest questions people have is whether they’re dealing with a pimple or a boil on their stretch mark (or otherwise). The two terms are commonly tossed around and used interchangeably, yet they differ.

For one, pimples are caused by clogged pores, while bacterial infections create boils. 

Secondly, boils get larger over time, while pimples remain the same size.

While only some pimples expel pus, a common characteristic of boils is that they will come to a head and rupture with pus. There may also be an accompaniment of other desirable symptoms, such as fever and pain.  

Unlike pimples, boils can become so aggressive or unrelenting that surgical drainage and antibiotics are required.

Pimples on Stretch Marks – Why Do They Happen?

If you notice a pimple on your stretch mark, you might be confused. After all, it’s not exactly something that’s talked about regularly, and plenty of people are under the impression that it can’t happen. Yet, pimples on stretch marks are quite common – here are the reasons they occur. 

Clogged Hair Follicles 

When hair follicles get damaged, germs enter, ultimately becoming clogged and infected (Staph aureus) or inflamed. This leads to a skin condition that looks like a pimple but is really a boil or folliculitis. 

Accompanying symptoms can include itchiness and pain, although some individuals have no further symptoms. Clogged hair follicles can occur from touching the skin frequently, wearing too-tight clothing, or shaving.

Bacterial Infections 

Any disruption of the skin flora around your stretch mark can lead to cutibacterium acne, which is directly linked to bacterial infections. This occurs when bacteria enter the skin, leading to acne typically accompanied by pain and, for some, a fever. This type of pimple can usually be cured at home, although severe infections may require a doctor’s visit.

Hormonal Imbalances and Fluctuations

Although stretch marks are primarily caused by excessive skin stretching, it’s not the sole reason. Hormone imbalances, such as excess estrogen production, can also be culprits. And, since pimples can also be caused by hormonal fluctuations and imbalances, it’s easy to see why the two can go hand in hand. It all comes down to your hormone levels.

Prone to Inflammation

Stretch marks occur when the dermis layer is stretched and inflamed – especially if they’re relatively new. With inflammation comes a series of undesirable side effects, from itchiness and reddening skin to pimples.

Bad Diet 

Those who do not consume an acne-friendly diet, such as those high in sugar and simple carbohydrates, may experience more pimple problems, including stretch marks. Foods high on the glycemic index raise blood sugar, causing a spike in insulin that affects hormones and boosts overall oil production. Ultimately, this wreaks havoc on your skin, potentially leading to pimples on stretch marks. 

Red Bumps On Stretch Marks During Pregnancy 

Image courtesy of American Osteopathic College of Dermatology 

If you are pregnant and experiencing bumps on your stretch marks, it may have nothing to do with pimples or acne whatsoever. You may be experiencing PUPP, or Pruritic Urticarial Papules and Plaques of pregnancy, which affects 1 in 160 pregnancies.

This unique condition pops (or, should we say, pups) up on pregnant individuals and appears as a patch of raised bumps, almost like hives. They tend to be severely itchy but are otherwise painless. It will likely spread to other nearby areas of the body. The good news is that they are not harmful to the mother or child, and tend to go away after the baby is born.

The best remedy for PUPP is oatmeal baths with cold water. Always opt for fragrance-free moisturizers designed to help with itching. Opt for cold compresses throughout the day. If the PUPP becomes overwhelming, some doctors may prescribe anti-itch creams, corticosteroids, and antihistamines.

Pimples on Stretch Marks – How to Treat Them?

Nobody wants to struggle with pimples. The good news is that there are many ways to treat pimples on stretch marks. Follow these simple tips to treat pimples and keep them off your stretch marks.

  • Don’t pick at them – One of the best pieces of advice is to keep your hands off of the pimples! Messing with them in any way will only create further problems for your skin, from infection and inflammation to scarring. 
  • Use warm compresses or ice packs – Warm and cold compresses can help to tame the inflammation, allowing the pimples to heal quicker.
  • Eat a healthy diet – A diet rich in acne-fighting foods will help eliminate pimples and stop them from arising. Such diets should include a hefty dose of vitamin E, zinc, and omega-3s. 
  • Use natural remedies – If you prefer natural remedies, always dab some tea tree oil, apple cider vinegar, or olive oil on the area. 
  • Use medicated treatments – For those who want to stop pimples on their stretch marks ASAP, a medication that includes retinoids or salicylic acid may be ideal. 
  • Consider dermabrasion – Dermabrasion is a skin resurfacing procedure that can work wonders at getting rid of pimples on stretch marks. As a bonus, they can help reduce the appearance of stretch marks.

Can You Get Scars From Pimples On Stretch Marks? 

Pimple scars can happen for several reasons, from struggling with inflammatory acne to genetics. However, the bulk of scarring occurs from too much or too little collagen production, a substance produced to protect and heal the acne wound. Without the “right amount” of collagen, you will likely develop a scar.

With that in mind, it’s easy to see why pimple scars can happen anywhere – including on top of your stretch marks. The best thing to do is to keep your hands away from the pimples and stay moisturized.

Why Are My Stretch Marks Inflamed?

Stretch marks become inflamed because that is a natural response of the human body.

You see, when new stretch marks form, the body is alerted to an injury – even though it’s merely the stretching of the skin. In response, the body’s tissues immediately begin to adapt to the immense stretching, resulting in inflammation.

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