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Armpit Stretch Marks: Causes And Treatments

armpit stretch marks

Armpit stretch marks are a common problem, especially for women. They can be caused by a number of factors, including pregnancy, weight gain, and puberty. There are a number of treatments available to help reduce the appearance of armpit stretch marks.

What Causes Stretch Marks On Your Armpits?

When you think of stretch marks, pregnancy is probably the first thing that comes to mind. While stretch marks are prevalent in men and women alike, they are not the only type. Many people notice stretch marks under their arms, which can make anyone uncomfortable when wearing sleeveless shirts, blouses, and dresses.

You may be curious about the cause of stretch marks beneath the arms. How do you remove armpit stretch marks?

Not to worry; we’ll be right there to assist you. We’ll discuss what causes armpit stretch marks and how to get rid of them in this article. stretch mark-free armpits

What Causes Armpit Stretch Marks?

Every scar, as the adage goes, tells a story. However, you may be unaware of how stretch marks on the armpit appear.

Armpit stretch marks are not harmful to one’s health. They are almost certainly the result of excessive physical activity or rapid weight gain. Stretch marks develop as a result of the fact that some people have naturally elastic skin while others do not, which is why some people have stretch marks.

Consider several of the most common causes of stretch marks beneath the arms.

Injuries To The Skin

When your skin is injured, it heals naturally, leaving scars. Numerous individuals are unaware that stretch marks are a type of scar. They form as a result of your skin contracting or stretching rapidly. As your skin contracts and expands, proteins such as elastin and collagen are degraded. As your skin tries to repair itself, you’ll notice red stretch marks under your armpits.

When you touch the stretch marks under your arms, small indentations may appear. Stretch marks develop beneath the top layer of your skin, leaving indentations, whereas some scars appear as bumps on the surface of your skin.


When pregnant, your abdomen expands to accommodate the growing fetus inside, stretching your skin. This is also the process by which your breasts prepare to produce milk.

On the other hand, pregnancy hormones have been shown to increase the susceptibility of the skin to tearing, resulting in stretch marks. The buttocks, lower back, thighs, and even the armpits can develop stretch marks during pregnancy.

Therapeutic Creams

While over-the-counter ointments and corticosteroid creams are available, if used incorrectly or for an extended period of time, they can cause your skin’s connecting fibers to break down, resulting in stretch marks in your armpit. Consult your pharmacist if you intend to use these products to ensure proper use.

Spurts Of Growth

After childhood, puberty is typically the most rapid and dramatic growth spurt. Stretch marks near the armpit can develop when the skin is stretched too quickly during these growth spurts.

When you rapidly gain or lose weight, the same thing occurs. The skin must contract or expand to accommodate the change in body shape. As a result, bodybuilders’ arms develop stretch marks. Their bodies undergo rapid transformations during training and then revert to their original state when they stop.


Stretch marks, according to research, have a genetic component. Therefore, if your mother or sister has them, you are very likely to have them as well. Stretch marks on the armpit are caused by excessive skin tension, but some individuals are predisposed to them.

Stretch Marks Near The Armpit: White vs. Red

Stretch marks on the armpits typically start out as purple or red and gradually fade to white. This means that the stretch marks’ color corresponds to their age. Though the marks are rarely completely removed, various treatments can be used to reduce their size or color. Stretch marks may fade on their own in some cases.

Red stretch marks near the armpit that are more recent are easier to treat. They initially appear red as a result of the blood vessels beneath the skin. Due to the presence of these blood cells, the marks respond more favorably to treatment.

On the other hand, white stretch marks are more advanced and more difficult to treat. Your blood vessels will naturally constrict over time, making collagen production more difficult to stimulate. When compared to treating red stretch marks, the results of your treatment may be less dramatic. However, there are methods for accelerating their fading, which we’ll discuss in the following section.

How To Remove Stretch Marks In The White Armpits


Exfoliating the armpits on a regular basis is a simple way to treat white stretch marks. This assists your body in eliminating dead skin and regenerating new skin around stretch marks.

Exfoliation and the use of additional treatment products will improve your results even more. This is because removing dead skin cells from underarm stretch marks allows for deeper penetration and faster action of other treatments and products.

Use Of Skincare Products

Ointments and topical creams are a low-cost option for reducing the appearance of white stretch marks under your armpits. Certain creams require a prescription from a physician, while others are available without one.

When used regularly, these products can help lighten the appearance of stretch marks, but they will not completely eliminate them. Discuss the risks of using any topical creams or ointments with your doctor prior to use. Certain creams may be insufficiently strong to effectively treat your condition or may cause an allergic reaction.

Laser Therapy

Laser therapy is a popular treatment option for those seeking a quick and effective way to eliminate armpit stretch marks. Lasers are used to stimulate the regeneration of the skin and to penetrate it. This stimulates the tissues surrounding your stretch marks, resulting in a more rapid healing process.

Laser therapy stimulates melanin production in the treated area, thereby activating pigment cells. Stretch marks under your arms will eventually blend into your skin’s natural color.


This procedure is designed to target the dermis, the middle layer of your skin where stretch marks appear. To stimulate collagen production, tiny needles are inserted into your skin. Increased collagen and elastin stimulate skin regeneration, which can help minimize the appearance of stretch marks in your armpits and improve your skin’s overall appearance.


The procedure of removing white stretch marks from beneath the arms is completely painless. It works by stimulating the skin’s upper layer (epidermis) to contract elastin and collagen fibers.

Exfoliating crystals are sprayed onto the affected area during the procedure. The crystals are then gently removed from the epidermis using a wand-like device that also removes dead skin. Following the procedure, your skin may feel tight and dry. Additionally, exfoliation can result in some redness. While the procedure is believed to be effective, there is no guarantee that your armpit stretch marks will be completely removed.

How To Remove Stretch Marks In The Red Armpits

If your stretch marks are still dark in color, you can still have them treated (red, purple, or brown). For the first year, red stretch marks near your armpit will typically look like this. Once they turn white, there is a slim chance that regular treatments will be sufficient to eradicate them.

If you’re looking to get rid of red stretch marks in your armpit, stick to the previous section’s recommendations. Stretch marks on the white and red armpits are treated identically. The only difference is that white ones will be more difficult to treat due to their prolonged presence on your skin.

If you notice red stretch marks near your armpit, use a whitening gel like Gluta-C Intense Whitening Underarm and Bikini Skin Whitening Gel to treat them.

Final Thoughts

Armpit stretch marks are a common occurrence, especially among women. While they may be unsightly, they are usually harmless and pose no health risks. If you’re looking to get rid of armpit stretch marks, there are a number of effective treatments available, including laser therapy, microdermabrasion, and glutathione-C products. With the right treatment, you can achieve flawless skin in no time.

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