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How Long Does Microneedling Take?

how to reduce redness after microneedling
Woman making beauty procedures at a beauty salon

Microneedling, because it creates “micro-wounds” in your skin using tiny needles, causes your body to react to those “injuries.” Blood flow is one of these responses, as healing components are rushed to the wounded area. Immediately following treatment, your skin will seem cleaner. Collagen and elastin are produced and sent to the treated region as a result of this process, which promotes the development of new collagen and elastin.

Between 4 and 6 weeks following treatment, most clients observe complete results. Your body has enough time to generate collagen and elastin, as well as transport them to your micro-wounds. At this point, you’ll notice your skin looking both younger and healthier. Of course, depending on your objectives for receiving the therapy, your outcomes may differ. If you’re treating burn scars, for example, it will take longer for you to see the final results.

What Is Microneedling?

This procedure, also known as collagen induction therapy, is a non-invasive technique that stimulates the body’s collagen and elastin formation to rejuvenate skin. It also aids in cell turnover by allowing new, younger cells to take the place of older ones during wound healing processes throughout your body. The treatment includes applying tiny channels in your skin using microneedles to activate your body’s healing response, which includes promoting collagen and elastin production.

Treatment begins with the dermatologist puncturing your skin with an FDA-approved tool called a SkinPen, which is how the micro-wounds are produced. As tiny needles move in and out of your skin, we roll the SkinPen over it in a circular manner. Because the needles are so tiny, this procedure is painless. You will not be able to detect any scars once your therapy is finished.

Treatment Duration

Microneedling is a fast procedure that makes it popular with many of our patients. The entire treatment time varies depending on how big an area is treated, but the procedure usually takes around 30 minutes. Microneedling is most often used to treat the face, although other parts of the body may also be helped. The size of the region you want to target influences the length of each session.


Collagen induction is most often used to rejuvenate facial skin, but it may also be utilized to treat a variety of other problems, including the following ones.

  • Hair loss (alopecia)
  • Hyperpigmentation (dark spots on your skin)
  • Scars
  • Acne
  • Stretch marks
  • Large pores
  • Fine lines and wrinkles
  • Sun damage

Each of these states will need a different number of treatments to see maximal effects. Scars usually necessitate more treatments, whereas fine lines and wrinkles require fewer sessions. To meet your expectations, you may anticipate spending between four and six treatments. Some problems, on the other hand, might need additional treatments to dramatically improve your skin. After we’ve evaluated the treatment areas during your consultation, we’ll discuss how long your therapy is anticipated to last.


The main appeal of this treatment is that there is no downtime after it has been applied. Following therapy, you should avoid the sun for a few days, although it’s also a good idea to do so anyhow to prevent your skin from absorbing harmful UV radiation. In most situations, you won’t need any special maintenance instructions aside from applying sunscreen when the region will be exposed to sunlight.

During the time your body is repairing itself from the micro-wounds, you should avoid swimming pools and natural bodies of water due to the risk of infection. In addition, avoid irritants such as soaps and lotions, which might hinder your skin’s natural healing process. Aside from that, there are no limits after therapy.

This is one of the most simple skin treatments imaginable. It’s really simple, takes very little time, and uses your body’s substances to heal and rejuvenate your skin. If you don’t want to undergo more extensive operations like a facelift or if your skin tone isn’t right for laser therapy, this is an excellent alternative. If you’ve never had any cosmetic procedures before, micro-needling is an extremely mild way to get started.

Treatment Process

We’ll use the SkinPen, with its 12 microneedles, to puncture your skin at the correct depth and speed for your needs throughout treatment. The needles are adjustable, so they may be customized to penetrate your skin to a depth of two millimeters to stimulate your body’s healing processes. Hyaluronic acid or vitamin C serum will improve the results because these micro-wounds not only promote tissue healing but also make product absorption more efficient.

A topical anesthetic will be applied to the treatment area and allowed to sit for ten minutes before being washed off. This makes the therapy seem as if someone is using an electric toothbrush over your skin. You’ll feel the effects of this anesthesia for up to two hours after your treatment has ended. This type of anesthesia does not prevent you from returning to your usual activities, but you should avoid places where bacterial infections are more likely, such as the gym.

Treatment Intervals

We’ll book your appointments at four-to-six-week intervals once we figure out how many sessions you’ll require. This implies that the duration of your treatment, which includes appointments as well as the time between treatments, can be up to six months. As previously said, you will see the greatest effects from each session when it is administered every four to six weeks, but the time frame grows to between four and six months for complete results. Between treatments, you want to give your body a rest so that it may heal.

If you want to use micro-needling and platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy at the same time, expect three PRP treatments around a month apart. So you may have multiple microneedle sessions without involving PRP since, after the third session, you’ll most likely be done with PRP treatments for at least a year. During your consultation, we will assess how many PRP treatments you require.


woman wearing black long-sleeved top

Aside from the major advantages of rejuvenating your skin and reducing wrinkles, there are a few more benefits to micro-needling that go along with it. The first is that the treatment improves the effectiveness of sink care treatment products by allowing the skin to absorb them better. Moisturizers, anti-aging lotions, and prescription acne medications are all examples of this. As a result, your skin will continue to look great long after you’ve finished your sessions because your skincare formulations will function better than ever before.

The price is also appealing, with most clinics charging about a hundred dollars for an hour-long session. Aside from the actual advantages, you’ll see on your skin, this therapy is far less expensive than a facelift or other invasive procedures. If you’re not ready to spend that much money, this treatment can give comparable outcomes. Although micro-needling effects aren’t permanent, they are long-lasting and typically only need annual maintenance treatments once you’ve completed your initial treatment regime. You won’t have to go through the same amount of downtime, pain, and potential problems as well.

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