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How Long Does Redness Last After Microneedling?

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Microneedling can be a beneficial beauty treatment, which is why many individuals at home utilize derma rollers, micro-needling pens, and other micro-needling equipment. The procedure might be somewhat unpleasant, but if done correctly, the result is delicate and naturally radiant skin.

How long does redness last after derma rolling? It should return to normal in 24 to 48 hours, or even longer if you’re using a needle length that’s too short. Here are some additional facts regarding post-treatment redness and how to treat it once your skin has healed.

How long It Takes To Reduce Redness After Using Derma Rollers

The redness will go after one or two days when you perform micro-needling at home. This is dependent on a variety of variables, including the size of your derma rollers (or any other micro-needling tool, such as a micro-needling pen, hydra pen, hydrogen, etc.), your skin type and color, and more.

Microneedling on the face at home with shorter tools might result in less severe redness than professional-grade micro-needling devices with longer needles. Redness may last beyond two days if you receive these professional micro-needling treatments, however, it should return to normal within a week.

Acne, scars, and skin discoloration can all cause redness. People with sensitive skin may be more susceptible to irritation after a treatment, which can give rise to redness as a sign of discomfort. Redness in people with lighter skin is more apparent than it is in those with darker complexions; however, the latter’s redness isn’t always as obvious after some time.

Why Your Skin is Red

woman in green shirt lying on brown grass

Because of the two causes mentioned above, redness on the skin can occur after micro-needling: irritation and inflammation.

Microneedling causes skin irritation as your body’s response to its microchannels, but this should go away in a few days. Aside from redness, your skin may also feel sore and sting when touched. This should dissipate within three days, although it might take your skin several more days to fully heal.

Microneedling, on the other hand, causes inflammation. Microneedling causes controlled skin damage that stimulates your body’s inflammation and response to damage. This includes the generation of collagen, elastin, and new skin cells to heal the damage and replace older skin cells. Ruddyness is also a sign of bodily inflammation.

What To Do Immediately After A Microneedling Session

Redness can be reduced, although it’s difficult to avoid. You may try the following strategies to decrease redness created by irritation and inflammation:

After that, start applying moisturizer or hyaluronic acid once again. You may have to stop using your daily skincare regimen for around five days to a week after micro-needling, particularly if you use products with active ingredients like AHA (glycolic acid) and BHA (salicylic acid). Immediately after using your derma roller, apply an unscented moisturizer, serum, and hyaluronic acid. The microchannels enable the substance to go deeper into your skin and nourish it more effectively.

Don’t conceal your reddening with make-up. If you’re planning to go out after micro-needling or simply want to cover the redness, applying any type of cosmetics to your face is a bad idea. The makeup not only irritates your skin but also blocks microchannels and pores, making it worse. In addition, this can lead to bigger acne pimples and scars.

Combine PRP injections. If you have your micro-needling done by a professional, consider getting platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injections as part of your treatment. PRP is made from blood that has been processed and then injected back into the face. It can help speed up collagen production and decrease recovery time, which may help reduce the redness in your face’s appearance after a while.

Sun exposure should be avoided. After micro-needling, your skin will be more sensitive to discomfort, sun damage, and skin irritation, so you should remain inside after your treatment.

Alcoholic beverages should be avoided. If you’re going to use a derma roller or any other micro-needling device, it’s best if you don’t drink alcohol for at least one week before. Alcohol is a blood thinner, which makes your skin’s redness even more apparent. In addition to that, there’s a danger of bruising using longer needles.

After 24 Hours: What to Expect

After 24 hours, the redness should be gone. The effects of a moderate sunburn will look similar to yours. Aside from this, you may anticipate the following:

A few red dots are becoming a common occurrence. If you have folliculitis, you might notice the following symptoms. Inflammation-related indicators include itching and stinging of your skin, warm areas, and edema (swelling) in treated regions.

If you’re not taking the appropriate aftercare, your feet can also develop bruising. If you don’t practice the required post-surgical care, it might take two weeks to go away.

Intense, chronic itching may result in rough skin. This can be caused by various types of rashes, such as eczema or psoriasis. Once your old skin begins to peel away, this will go away.

Visible micro-needling marks may persist on your skin, although they will fade with time once the skin rejuvenation process begins to display visible results. Make careful use of your derma roller or another micro-needling tool with the correct needle length, as improper usage might result in scarring that can last after your skin has healed.

You can develop acne pores and skin problems, including blackheads and whiteheads. Acne breakouts are typically minor and clear up within a few days. Avoid picking or squeezing your pimples to avoid developing acne scars and perhaps a sickness.

Microneedling causes irritation and peeling. Your skin will begin to dry up, then peel away. Because your old skin cells are being replaced by newer skin cells, this is the result of micro-needling. Avoid picking or scratching these early on because they might be unpleasant and lead to an infection. To maintain moisture in your epidermis, use an unscented moisturizer instead of a fragrance-based one.

To be honest, you may not experience everything mentioned hereafter micro-needling. These effects are only temporary and will go away after a few days.

Aftercare Tips

Given that skin, redness fades in approximately 48 hours for DIY micro-needling and five to seven days following professional micro-needling, the benefits of using these methods have been shown. Here are some post-treatment care instructions to help you get the most out of your micro-needling treatments.

  • Drink plenty of water, Water aids in the healing of your skin and keeps it healthy. This might help you get rid of old skin cells faster while also maintaining your new skin looking healthier for longer. 
  • Sleep on your back, sleeping on your side or tummy might press your face down and cause swelling, especially during the first few weeks after micro-needling.
  • After washing your face, don’t touch it with unclean hands. Bacteria and dirt may remain on your hands after touching your face, potentially causing acne or other skin problems.

Before you resume skincare, wait for your skin to heal. It might take five to seven days for this to happen. When your skin no longer stings upon contact, it’s OK to resume your usual skincare regimen. Depending on the size of the needle used, the region beneath your outer layer of skin may take anywhere from two weeks to two months to repair.

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