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How To Treat Itchy Stretch Marks During Pregnancy?

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Pregnancy stretch marks may not be as noticeable as some other pregnancy symptoms, but they are all present and can be pretty uncomfortable. Here’s how to treat itchy stretch marks during pregnancy while preparing your skin for the stretch ahead.

Stretch marks can occur during pregnancy for a variety of reasons. They can form due to the rapid increase in skin thickness, hormonal fluctuations, and rapid fetus growth. They may also be a side effect of hormonal treatments like anti-estrogen pills and anti-itch creams. Whatever the case, stretch marks are prevalent during pregnancy.

What Causes Itchy Stretch Marks?

As your skin stretches and changes shape with pregnancy, the skin becomes more sensitive. It can also become weaker, losing moisture and elasticity. When skin is stretched too far, it can’t bounce back as quickly as before. Your skin might also produce more oil, making it even more susceptible to dryness.

During pregnancy, your hormones are all over the place (especially during the first trimester). This can result in stretch marks appearing on your abdomen and lower back.

Your skin doesn’t just get stretch marks, and it also gets an increase in oil glands which causes an increase in oil production. This can lead to more itchy stretch marks.

How to Treat Itchy Stretch Marks?

Here are some tips to help soothe the itch. Keep these in mind during pregnancy, and you should be able to keep your itchy stretch marks at bay.

Use a Rosin Rub

Rubbing rosin on your stretch marks regularly can help to soften the marks and make them less noticeable. It’s important to regularly use a rosin rub on your itchy stretch marks to avoid over-scratching them.

While rosin is excellent for getting rid of the buildup on your skin, it’s not for the actual stretch marks. Rubbing rosin onto your stretch marks regularly can cause scratches to become more visible. It would be best to rub rosin on your stretch marks when rubbed-free and scorched.

Exfoliate Before Moisturizing

Getting rid of the dead skin cells on your skin can help loosen the buildup that causes your stretch marks to itch. Exfoliating before moisturizing can help loosen the buildup on your stretch marks and make the marks less noticeable.

To get rid of the dead skin cells on your skin, use an effective scrub. Scrubs can help loosen the buildup on your skin, making it more receptive to moisturizing products.

Keep Your Skin Well-hydrated During Pregnancy

If your skin is dry, it can’t retain the moisture applied to your skin. Keeping your skin well-hydrated comes in handy.

Your skin is more prone to dryness during pregnancy, especially in the first trimester. Dry skin can make the stretch marks itch and become more noticeable. Keep your skin well-hydrated by applying lightweight lotion to your skin regularly.

Apply A Moisturizer

Try applying a rosieruxe-infused moisturizer to help keep your skin well-hydrated. We recommend waiting until the end of pregnancy to use a toner. This will help to keep the skin on your abdomen extra soft. You can also try shea butter. It is an excellent moisturizer that can help to soothe the itch of your itchy stretch marks. It’s also a good moisturizer for pregnant women as it’s lightweight and hypoallergenic.

Don’t Scratch

Scratching can irritate the itchy stretch marks and make them worse. Try avoiding scratching your stretch marks, and you can help keep the itchy stretch marks at bay. When your skin gets too dry, it can make the stretch marks itch even more. Avoid scratching your stretch marks, and you can help keep the itchy stretch marks at bay.

Massage Your Belly With Oil

Massaging your belly with food-grade oil, such as avocado oil, can help to keep your skin moisturized. This can help to keep the itchy stretch marks dry and avoid scratching.

Apply Stretch Mark Creams

Stretch mark creams can also soothe the itch of your itchy stretch marks. There are many different types of stretch mark creams available. Some are better than others, but they all have similar ingredients. Shea butter is a common ingredient in stretch mark creams, jojoba oil, and vitamin E.

These ingredients can help to moisturize the skin and keep it looking healthy. You may want to try using a stretch mark cream after an exfoliating scrub on your skin. It’s best to use a moisturizer before bed for optimal results.

Try Using A Natural Product

Natural products can be great for soothing the itch of your itchy stretch marks during pregnancy. Aloe vera gel, lavender oil, tea tree oil, and vitamin E are outstanding natural products that you can use to keep your skin healthy and hydrated during pregnancy.

One can use these natural oils in many ways, including massaging them into your belly or applying them via spray bottle onto your abdomen before bedtime. They’ll help keep your skin hydrated and stop you from scratching those itchy stretch marks!

Improve Body’s Collagen Production

To improve the body’s collagen production, try taking collagen supplements. These supplements can help restore elasticity and improve the texture of your skin. However, choosing a high-quality collagen supplement that contains only natural ingredients is essential, as some collagen supplements contain animal byproducts.

More on how to treat itchy stretch marks during pregnancy, you can also try using ingredients that naturally help with collagen production. Vitamin C and the amino acid lysine are both helpful in increasing collagen production.

Bottom Line

Stretch marks are common in pregnancy, and they occur as a result of the skin stretching and contracting with the growing fetus. While they can be a sign of rapid weight gain, they can also indicate an itchy skin problem. When you’re pregnant, your hormones are all over the place, leading to significant changes in your skin. As a result, you may experience many skin problems, including itchy stretch marks.

The good news about how to treat itchy stretch marks during pregnancy is that there are many ways, just as mentioned above. But the bad news is that your stretch marks are likely to be a permanent sign of your pregnancy. Try the solutions mentioned above, and you’re ready to go. Good luck!

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