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Skin Tightening Surgery Cost

skin tightening surgery cost

Are you looking for the answer to how much skin tightening surgery cost? Here is the answer!

Noninvasive skin tightening treatments are cosmetic procedures that alter the appearance of your face and stomach. These techniques are far less invasive than facelifts and tummy tucks and may provide comparable outcomes, according to some patients. There are also fewer risks of complications, it is less expensive, and recovery is quick.

These therapies are based on more up-to-date methods. As a result, there’s still room for improvement in terms of research when it comes to determining how effective they are and what the long-term repercussions might be.

This article will go through different types of non-invasive skin tightening treatments, as well as what the research says and things to think about before trying them.

Types Of Skin Tightening Treatments

Your skin is full of proteins called elastin and collagen when you are born. These proteins provide your skin structure and flexibility. Your body’s production of these molecules slows down as you get older. As a consequence, your skin begins to lose its suppleness.

Your skin, thanks to gravity, pollution exposure, stress, and the hundreds of movements your facial muscles make every day, may begin to look stretched or drooping. Other elements, such as pregnancy and weight loss, can also cause stretch marks and sagging skin.

Non Surgical skin tightening treatments aim to tighten loose areas of your skin by stimulating collagen synthesis in the layer beneath it. The following are the two most common types of therapy:

  • In-office procedures performed by a trained provider
  • At-home devices you can use to give yourself treatment

Radiofrequency: Thermage, Thermalift, and Exilis

Thermalift was the first to apply the idea of “waking up” or regaining lost collagen to medicine. Thermalift employs a device that applies controlled radio waves to your skin’s region you wish to tighten. The treatment is completed with or without topical anesthesia, and there is no need for a recovery period.

Thermage is a non-invasive procedure that can help with both cellulite and scars. One treatment session is required, but multiple treatments may be beneficial for some individuals. Other types of radiofrequency therapy usually necessitate several sessions before visible effects are noticed. Results aren’t immediately apparent with either one or many treatments; they typically take four months to effect.

Intense Pulsed Radiofrequency (Vela-Shape)

It is a device that claims to be able to target and shrink fat cells. It uses a portable gadget to emit infrared waves into your skin layers in order to dissolve fat deposits.

A low-intensity laser is also used to shrink collagen. The doctor may help you get a facelift without any surgery if the skin on your face thins properly and gradually, as it would with this process. This treatment doesn’t require anesthesia. To obtain the most visible effects, several appointments are usually advised.

At-Home Devices

Ultrasound Therapy

Ultrasound waves sent deep into your skin to create collagen are used for ultrasonic skin tightening. You can get these machines online and at some beauty supply shops.

They aren’t cheap, and if you want to see results, you’ll need to use them on a regular basis. It’s conceivable that you won’t be successful in finding these devices effective unless you have the help of an expert.

For The Face

woman staring directly at camera near pink wall

All of the procedures described in this article are FDA-approved for the face, neck, and stomach. The face is often treated with Thermage, Thermalift, and Exilis. Velashape is a treatment that targets the facial area but may also be used on other parts of the body.

For The Stomach

The stomach has a greater surface area than the face. It is also more susceptible to stretch marks and sagging. Velashape is usually used for the abdomen region, whereas Thermage, Thermalift, and Exilis are utilized on the face.

Side Effects

The side effects of these treatments are mild to moderate. Side effects may include mild:

  • Bruising
  • Redness
  • Swelling
  • Soreness
  • Tingling

In rare circumstances, your skin may be severely burned. Using a certified and trained specialist considerably lowers the possibility of significant problems.

Costs Of Tissue Tightening

Noninvasive skin tightening treatments are cosmetic procedures that are not covered by insurance. This implies they won’t be reimbursed and that you will have to pay the entire amount out of pocket. The cost of a skin-tightening procedure varies greatly, from $700 to $15,000. This is due to the fact that each plastic surgeon charges differently.

Your Cost Will Depend On Several Factors, Including:

  • What kind of treatment do you choose
  • How many treatments or appointments do you need
  • How many areas of skin you are targeting
  • What your expectations are for your results

The most effective treatments for cellulite include radiofrequency energy. Treatments for your abdomen and other parts of your body range from $200 to $500 each session. Because you’ll need to complete numerous treatment sessions, the price may be as much as $800 to $2,000 per treatment.

The average cost of non-surgical fat reduction treatments in the United States was $1,559 in 2018, according to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery.

If you’re searching for a less expensive alternative, at-home radiofrequency and ultrasound therapies might come as a surprise. Even at-home radiofrequency and ultrasound therapy machines can cost more than $450.

Surgical Alternatives For Skin Tightening

Facelifts and stomach tucks are just two of the more invasive skin tightening techniques available. Facelifts and tummy tucks do provide dramatic changes, but they necessitate a lengthy recovery period. Surgical treatment might be more consistent with your expectations if you’re searching for long-term, immediately apparent results.

There are several risks with surgical treatments as well. Nonsurgical methods of skin tightening do not necessitate any downtime, but surgery does. Nonsurgical techniques also pose no threat of infection, whereas complications and infections are possible following surgery.

Liposuction is another option for your midsection. This is a surgical procedure, but it has fewer risks than a tummy tuck. Liposuction may reduce the appearance of your stomach, but it can also make your skin wavy or drooping in the regions where fat was removed.

If you’re thinking about getting non-surgical skin tightening surgery, you’ll need to talk with a professional.

The Bottom Line

Non-surgical skin tightening procedures are a low-risk option for reducing wrinkles. There is little research on how effective they are, and these treatments may be costly.

Setting attainable goals and selecting a qualified and educated provider are both crucial before attempting this therapy.

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