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Why Do Stretch Marks Itch When Losing Weight?

why do stretch marks itch when losing weight

If you’re losing weight, you may have asked why your stretch marks start to itch. This is a common problem that can be caused by several things.

One of the most common causes of itchy stretch marks is dry skin. When you lose weight, your skin can become dry and irritated. This can cause itchiness.

A Brief Definition And Explanation On Why Do Stretch Marks Itch When Losing Weight?

It is possible to get stretch marks if you overexert or under-exert your muscles. As a result of rapid changes in the body, the skin was stretched to the point where the wrinkles appeared.

Pregnancy, weight loss, breast augmentation surgery, and puberty all frequently result in rapid skin growth and stretching. Stretch marks can also be exacerbated by autoimmune diseases and genetics.

Typically, these lines come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Consider the following examples:

  • Striae are atrophic. Striae Numerous marks, grooves, or ridges may exist. This is most common toward the end of a pregnancy.
  • Striae distensa is a type of striae. Typically, the marks are striped and form horizontally. They may manifest as a result of weight gain or puberty.
  • Gravidarum striae These striped, vertically oriented marks are almost always associated with pregnancy. Stretch marks on the belly, breasts, and thighs are common during pregnancy.
  • Vergetures. This is a French term for “stretch marks,” and it refers to long stretch marks on the skin that give the appearance of being whipped.

Any of these formations could manifest on the surface of your skin.

Which Factors Contribute To The Development Of Why Stretch Marks Itch When Losing Weight

It’s natural for various environmental irritants to cause itching on human skin, such as insect bites or poison ivy. On the other hand, what causes stretch marks to itch? itchiness can be caused by tearing of the dermal layer, dry skin, or a combination of the two.

Let us examine this in greater detail.

  • Parched skin. When your skin’s hydrolipidic barrier (which is primarily responsible for retaining water, oil, or fat molecules) degrades, small holes appear, preventing the skin from retaining moisture. Your skin becomes itchy and uncomfortable when it is dehydrated.
  • Self-healing skin. When dermal tearing occurs as a result of stretched skin during the healing process, your nerves send an itchy signal.

Due to hormonal changes and rapid changes in the body, pregnant and postpartum women are more prone to dry skin. This factor is frequently linked to itchy skin.

When You Gain Weight, Why Do You Develop Stretch Marks?

Many factors contribute to stretch marks, including an expanding waist, swollen breasts, and an overall increase in body fat. Additionally, as previously stated, hormonal changes during pregnancy result in the breakdown of the hydrolipidic barrier, resulting in an itchy sensation.

Pregnancy pruritic urticarial papules and plaques are an itchy skin condition that some pregnant women may experience (PUPPP). Patients who are pregnant for the first time or who have an enlarged abdomen are more likely to develop this condition.

You may notice red bumps on your abdomen, thighs, and buttocks if you have PUPPP. A rash may develop in the same area as the stretch marks. These extremely itchy bumps will aggravate stretch marks.

Because PUPPP can be mistaken for other more serious pregnancy complications, it’s best to discuss this skin condition with your doctor during your next check-up. The rash may subside within a few days of delivery. Antihistamines, anti-itch creams, and even topical steroids may help alleviate symptoms in the meantime.

Additional Factors That Contribute To Itchy Stretch Marks

It’s critical to remember that stretch marks are not exclusive to pregnant women and bodybuilders. Anyone can develop stretch marks. Certain factors, on the other hand, increase the likelihood of development.

The Best Way To Get Rid Of Itchy Stretch Marks

After a while, scratching becomes tedious and provides only temporary relief. Here are some tips and solutions for itchy stretch marks.

Use moisturizers

If the itching is caused by a breakdown of the hydrolipidic barrier on your skin, a moisturizer or lotion can help by hydrating dry skin.

Topical corticosteroids

To treat severe stretch marks caused by conditions such as PUPPP, topical corticosteroids can be used.

Coconut Oil or Vitamin E

As a result of their moisturizing and soothing properties, oils can be used on the face and body. For irritated skin, coconut, almond, and olive oils are the best. While Vitamin E oil is readily available, it has a wide range of benefits for the skin. If you’re unable to use these due to oily skin, jojoba oil is an excellent substitute.

Massages produce the same result! You can alleviate itching by massaging these oils into your stretch marks. Additionally, it aids in the improvement of your skin’s elasticity and hydration. Oil massages may also help alleviate pregnancy-related anxiety and stress, as well as maintain healthy skin and prevent stretch marks.

However, always consult a physician before massaging your abdomen. Additionally, you must exercise caution when applying pressure.

Cocoa butter

To be completely candid, this is one of the most popular skincare products available. Its moisturizing properties help to alleviate itching. Additionally, it may assist in reducing the visibility of stretch marks.

Prevention Suggestions

Another way to avoid itchiness is to prevent stretch marks from forming in the first place. The following tips will assist you in avoiding itchy stretch marks.

Preserve the health of your skin. Maintaining a healthy diet, staying hydrated, and supplementing your diet are all ways to pamper your skin. This aids in the absorption of nutrients and moisture by your skin.

Moderation is the operative word here. Keeping a stable weight can help you avoid the rapid changes in your body that result in stretch marks. In general, extreme weight loss programs promise faster results at the expense of an increased risk of stretch marks. As a result, we recommend adhering to a diet that has been scientifically proven to be effective over time.

The cream is applied to stretch marks. By increasing elasticity and resilience, stretch mark cream can help you avoid stretch marks. This is undeniably advantageous for individuals who are prone to stretch marks. A pregnant woman should apply stretch mark cream to areas of rapid growth, such as the belly, thighs, and breasts. Stretch mark cream is formulated to hydrate and nourish the skin as it recovers from stretch marks caused by rapid body change.

Final Thoughts

Losing weight can be a struggle, and when you’re finally seeing results, the last thing you want is itchy stretch marks. However, with the right knowledge and products, you can still achieve your dream body while keeping your skin healthy!

If you’re experiencing severe itchiness, seek professional help to determine the root cause of the problem. In most cases, itchy stretch marks during weight loss are nothing to worry about and will eventually fade on their own. Be patient and don’t forget to moisturize!

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