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How To Shave With Acne?

how to shave with acne

Shaving is often a chore that many of us put off as long as possible. It’s one of those tasks that we’d all instead avoid, but it’s something that needs to be done. Learning how to shave with acne can be overwhelming, but when you know what to do you can easily evade acne breakout.

However, when you have acne, shaving can be even trickier. Acne is a skin condition that affects many people across the globe and often causes mild to severe inflammation on the skin’s surface. It’s essential to pay attention to your shaving technique to avoid exacerbating acne.

In this article, we’ll discuss some tips for shaving with acne. We’ll talk about how to shave with acne and the best way to prepare your skin before shaving. Additionally, we’ll advise you on how to shave correctly and care for your skin after shaving.

How To Properly Shave With Acne

Just because you have acne doesn’t mean you should stay unkempt. Here are some tips on how to shave well with acne.

Preparing Your Skin For Shaving

Before you start shaving, it’s essential to prep your skin. This will help to make the shaving process smoother and will also help to prevent irritation. Start by cleansing your skin with a gentle cleanser. Avoid using harsh soaps or cleansers as these can strip your skin of its natural oils, leading to dryness and irritation.

Choose A Gel That’s Compatible With Your Skin Type

Gels are often more gentle than foams and will provide a closer shave. Apply the gel to your skin and let it sit for a few minutes before shaving. This comes in handy because it will soften the hair and make it easier to cut.

Warm Up Your Skin

Warm water will help to open up your pores and soften your hair before you start to shave with acne. This makes it easier to shave and helps to prevent nicks and cuts. Apply a warm, damp towel to your skin for a few minutes before shaving.

Find The Right Razor

Choose a razor that’s sharp and has multiple blades. Avoid using disposable razors as these can often be harsh on the skin. Look for a razor that’s specifically designed for sensitive skin.

Ensure Your Razor Is Sharp Enough

A blunt razor will not only give you a less than stellar shave, but it can also cause irritation and even cuts. When your razor is dull, you must apply more pressure to get a close shave, leading to a razor burn.

Rinse Your Razor Frequently

Keeping your razor clean is crucial as it will help prevent infection and give you a closer shave. Rinse your razor after each stroke to remove any hair or gel clogging it.

Shave In The Direction Of Hair Growth

This will help prevent irritation and give you a closer shave. If you’re unsure which way your hair grows, experiment by shaving in different directions until you find the best one for you.

Don’t Press Too Hard

Applying too much pressure can cause razor burn, so be gentle when shaving. Let the razor do the work and only apply enough pressure to lightly glide it over your skin. Don’t shave too close to acne at first.

Shave Less Often

If you find that shaving is irritating, try shaving less often so you don’t disturb your acne. This will give your skin a chance to heal and will also help to prevent further irritation. Continous disruption of acne can lead to scarring, so it’s best to avoid shaving.

Rinse After Each Stroke

After each stroke, rinse your razor under running water to remove any hair or gel that may be clogging it. This will also help to prevent irritation.

Caring For Your Skin After Shaving

Once you’ve finished shaving, it’s essential to take care of your skin. This will help to soothe any irritation and will also help to prevent infection. Start by rinsing your skin with cool water. This will help to reduce inflammation and will also help to close your pores and acne scars.

Apply A Post-shave Balm Or Moisturizer

This will help to soothe your skin and will also help to lock in moisture. Choose a product compatible with your skin type and doesn’t contain any harsh chemicals or fragrances.

Avoid Touching Your Face

Touching your face can irritate and spread bacteria, so it’s best to avoid it. If you must touch your face, wash your hands first.

Dry Your Face After A Bath Or Shower

Pat your face dry with a clean towel after cleansing or showering. Avoid rubbing your face as this can irritate your skin.

What Are The Risks Of Shaving With Acne Breakout?

Shaving with acne can be tricky, but there are a few risks to be aware of. One of the biggest dangers is that you could spread bacteria from your hands to your face, leading to an infection.

Another risk is that you could irritate your acne-prone skin while shaving. This can cause redness, swelling, and even pain. If you have open sores, you’re also at risk for infection.

To avoid these risks, it’s essential to take proper care of your skin before and after shaving. Be sure to cleanse your skin beforehand and use a sharp razor. After shaving, rinse your skin with cool water and apply a post-shave balm or moisturizer.

How Do You Avoid Pimples After Shaving?

A variety of things can cause pimples, but shaving is one of the most common culprits. When you shave, you’re essentially creating tiny cuts in your skin. These cuts can become irritated and infected, leading to pimples. To avoid pimples after shaving, ensure to use a clean and sharp razor and follow all the guidelines mentioned above.

Can Shaving Cause Acne?

Shaving can cause acne for several reasons. First, when you shave, you’re creating tiny cuts on your skin. Second, shaving can also disrupt the natural balance of your skin. This can lead to an overproduction of oil, clog pores and lead breakouts.

Third, if you don’t take proper care of your razor, it can become a breeding ground for bacteria. This bacteria can then be transferred to your skin, leading to infection and pimples.


Shaving with acne can be tricky, but it’s not impossible. By following the tips above, you can shave without exacerbating your acne. Remember to prep your skin before shaving, shave in the direction of hair growth, and don’t press too hard. And after shaving, take care of your skin by rinsing with cool water and applying a post-shave balm or moisturizer. 

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