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How To Get Rid Of Beard Acne?

beard acne

Did you know that beard acne is a real thing? Yeah, it’s true. Like, it actually exists, and it sucks. It’s beyond annoying, especially for guys with a beard.

But why does this happen? Is there anything we can do to stop it? Fortunately, it’s simple to get rid of. If you don’t already know, beard acne is when hair follicles from your beard get trapped under your skin. But why does this happen? Well, it’s because your beard grows in different cycles. So, if you have a dry beard one time, it can mean that the follicles are trapped.

Luckily, there are many ways to get rid of beard acne, no matter what stage you’re at. You don’t need expensive creams or expensive services. It just requires a little patience and some simple steps. Let’s get into it.

What Is Beard Acne?

Beard acne is a skin condition that causes bumps and infections under your beard hair follicles. It can happen to any guy that grows a beard, but it’s prevalent in men who have acne on their faces. This can happen because the hair follicles are trapped under the skin, but the good news is that you can quickly treat this condition.

Causes Of Beard Acne

There are a few different theories on why this is happening. Some say that it has to do with bacteria in your skin, while others say it has to do with the hormone levels in your body. There is also another category of people that say it has to do with your diet.

The most important thing to remember is that it’s definitely treatable, so there’s no reason to be stressed. But some of the most common causes include;

Having A Dry Beard

One thing you can do to prevent this is to wash your beard daily. Also, make sure to comb your beard regularly. If you have a really dry beard, you can try using beard oil to make it softer.

Acne-prone Skin

If you have a skin type that is more prone to breakouts, you might also get beard acne scars on your face. You can try moisturizing your skin more thoroughly to help reduce the chances of getting acne on your face.

Using Too Many Products

You should never use any products you’re not 100% comfortable with when it comes to your face. Make sure only to use products that suit best your face.


The bacteria that cause your beard acne can come from your hands. If you touch your face a lot, the bacteria may be making your face break out. You can try to use hand sanitizer more often.

Another common cause of bacteria is what you’re eating. If you have a diet full of fatty foods, you can get a lot of bacteria that cause acne. Try to eat healthier and get rid of the rich foods from your diet to do away with your beard acne.

Ingrown Hair

It can become ingrown hair when you get a pimple or zit under your beard hair follicle. It’s essential to keep your beard clean, so don’t let the bacteria get trapped inside the follicle. You can try to use a gentle shampoo or soap to wash your face every day.

Another way you can get rid of ingrown hair is by getting a Beard Balm. Beard Balms help keep your beard clean. They can help prevent any infections from bacteria inside your beard hair follicle.

How to Get Rid of Beard Acne

Shaving is one of the most popular ways to get rid of beard acne. It is very effective in removing unwanted hair, but it is also very effective in eliminating the bacteria that cause acne.

Here are some top tips to try and do away with beard acne completely.

Wash Your Beard Daily

You should always make sure to wash your beard daily. This is one of the simplest ways to keep your beards clean and prevent acne. If you don’t wash your beards, the bacteria inside will make your skin get red, and it will cause a lot of pimples and acne on your face.

Once a day, you should use a mild shampoo designed for beards. Also, ensure to rinse your face with water. This way, you can remove all the leftover dirt and bacteria stuck underneath your skin.

Comb The Beard Regularly

For your beard to look clean, you should comb it regularly. It would be best to comb your beard from the top of your head to the bottom. This can remove all the dead skin and make it look much better. If you are using a beard comb, you should also loosen up all the knots in your beard.

Use Sharp And Clean Razor

If you are shaving your beard, you should always make sure to use a sharp and clean razor. This can help prevent any nicks or cuts on your face. It would also be best to avoid using an electric razor as it can damage your skin.

Moisturize Your Skin

Another way to get rid of beard acne is by moisturizing your skin. For example, you can use a gentle moisturizer designed for your skin type. You should also moisturize your skin before you go to bed to have soft skin in the morning. Once a day, you should also use an acne-clearing face wash for normal skin. For example, you can use the Cetaphil Daily Cleaner formulated to remove excess oil, impurities, and residue from your face.

Try Gentle Cleanser

If none of the methods above work for you, you can also try using a gentle cleanser. You should wash your face well to remove all the leftover dirt and bacteria from your face.

Use a gentle face wash once a day to get rid of all the dirt and bacteria stuck underneath your skin.


Beard acne is not a severe condition. However, it is very annoying and can make you look bad in public. So, if you want to get rid of beard acne completely, make sure to follow the above tips. But more importantly, it’s essential to know what causes beard acne and how best to prevent them from occurring in the first place. Furthermore, prevention is better than cure, right?

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